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Welcome to The City
Our Story

The Mt. Rose Church has a noteworthy history which is to some extent reflected in the names it has carried.  The first Church Of God In Christ in Barrett Station was pioneered in 1944 by Rev. Clarence Burton, and named Crosby #2 Church Of God In Christ under the parent church in Crosby.  Between 1944 and 1947, the church was pastored by Elder Reuben Thomas and later, Elder P. H. Bonney, who was also the pastor of the parent church in Crosby. 


In 1947, the pastorate changed hands again, this time to Elder Ernest J. Scott of Houston and was established as the Arcadian Gardens Church Of God In Christ as an autonomous mission.  The church progressed until 1970 when the Arcadian Gardens Church was torn down and services were held in a small cafeteria building while awaiting the purchase of a new site and building.  In 1972, Pastor Scott relocated the church to 214 Nod Street and renamed it Mt. Rose Church Of God In Christ.   In 1975, Pastor Scott suffered a decline in his health and assistance was provided by Minister Ron Eagleton, who was appointed as Assistant Pastor.  Elder Eagleton served the church for Pastor Scott from 1974 until his death in October of 1984.

In 1985, Elder Ron Eagleton was installed as the fifth pastor of the Mt. Rose Church Of God In Christ.  That same year, 2 acres of land were purchased, as Mt. Rose was becoming a "City of Refuge".  In December of 1988, a new building was purchased and renovations began that would accommodate the church's growth.  On July 15,1990, the Mt. Rose Church Of God In Christ, "The City of Refuge" moved into the facilities at 12028 Crosby Lynchburg Road.  God continued to increase the membership and resources and additional property was purchased until in 1997, our "Year of Jubilee", when 10 acres had been acquired in one location.  That same year, Mt. Rose celebrated the retiring of the debt on the facility at 12028 Crosby Lynchburg. 
 As God continued to bless, the City of Refuge ministry broadened to include a wide range of ministry to the lost, foreign missions, prisons, nursing homes, and the community, also providing training for discipleship and personal development. On July 15, 2001, during the annual Founder's Day Service, renderings of the latest facility were unveiled and a groundbreaking ceremony marked the advancement of "The City of Refuge" to a new building in the 13000 block of Crosby Lynchburg.  In January of 2003, the building was dedicated and we began ministry in a new location but with the same assignment: "To be a City of Refuge to those who are lost, hurting, and/or needing God's guidance and direction for their lives."

May the Lord continue to favor us and find favor in us.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Mt. Rose Church of God in Christ The City of Refuge, Inc., is to be a place where a God-given vision of salvation, deliverance, Christian maturity and support is shared by Spirit-filled members who permeate the community with the Word of God. These members are compassionate, prayerful, committed and obedient to God's Word. They manifest the fruit of the Spirit and exhibit a victorious Christian lifestyle providing a "City of Refuge" for all people who are lost, hurting, and/or needing God's guidance and direction for their lives.

Our Endeavor

This is the endeavor of Mt. Rose - 
To provide a shelter to those who are lost, hurting and needing God's guidance and direction for their lives. We are compassionate, prayerful, committed and obedient to the Word of God.

Mt. Rose Church of God in Christ

13000 Crosby Lynchburg Rd

Crosby, Tx 77532

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